TJ Klune, the author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, is known for his fantasy and romance novels. He often includes LGBTQ+ themes in his stories and creates diverse characters. Throughout his career, he has written many popular books and won several awards. Part of Klune’s inspiration for The House in the Cerulean Sea came from the Sixties Scoop in Canada. This was a period from the 1960s to the 1980s, during which many Indigenous children were taken away from their families.

  TJ 克隆是《奇幻生物孤儿院》的作者,以其奇幻及爱情小说而闻名。他经常在故事中融入 LGBTQ+ 的主题,并塑造多样化的角色。在他的写作职涯中,他写了许多受欢迎的书并获得多个奖项。克隆创作《奇幻生物孤儿院》的部分灵感来自加拿大的六十年代挖空运动。这是介于 1960 年代到 1980 年代的一段时期,在当时,许多原住民儿童从家人身边被带走。


diverse a. 多样的

diversity n. 多样性

throughout prep. 在整个期间

award n. 奖项




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