Born in Uzbekistan in 1975, Oksana Chusovitina grew up with her older brother and two sisters. As the youngest child, Chusovitina was very active. She climbed onto roofs, went down into basements, and played with friends. Perhaps that is why she shows no fear when she flies through the air as a gymnast. Her love for gymnastics began when she was just eight years old. Her older brother was taking gymnastics classes at the time. He brought Chusovitina to the classes in order to take care of her after school.

  奥克萨娜.丘索维金娜于 1975 年出生于乌兹别克,她与哥哥和两个姊姊一起长大。身为家中最年幼的孩子,丘索维金娜非常活泼。她爬上屋顶,跑下地下室,和朋友一起玩耍。也许这就是为什么她作为体操选手飞在空中时毫无畏惧。她对体操的热爱始于八岁。她的哥哥当时正在上体操课。他带著丘索维金娜去上课,以便放学后照顾她。


active a. 活泼的

roof n. 屋顶

basement n. 地下室




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