E: Evan  G: Ground Staff Member

Evan had difficulty finding his luggage at the airport, so he asked a ground staff member for help.

E: Excuse me, I just got off the plane, and I can’t find my luggage on the carousel. I think it’s missing.

G: I’m sorry to hear that. Let me check the system for you. Can you please provide your flight details and a description of your luggage?

E: Sure, my flight was VE123 from San Francisco, and I was connecting from New York. My luggage is black with a red ribbon tied around the handle.


伊  凡: 不好意思,我刚下飞机,而我在行李输送带上找不到我的行李。我想它不见了。

地勤人员: 我很遗憾听到这件事情。让我为您在系统上确认一下。能请您提供您的班机资讯以及行李描述吗?

伊  凡: 当然,我搭的是从旧金山出发的 VE123 班机,我是从纽约转机的。我的行李箱是黑色的,把手上系著一条红丝带。



luggage n. 行李(集合名词,不可数)

get off...  下(公车、飞机等大型交通工具)

description n. 描述

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