M: Marlon  S: Steve

Steve talks to Marlon at his desk just before the end of the day.

S: Hi, Marlon. I’ve given about half the work you were assigned to Lara and Jake. That should ease your load significantly.

M: Thank you, Steve. But won’t Lara and Jake be flooded with work now?

S: For the time being, yes. But I told HR that another position should be opened in our department, so the extra work will only be temporary.

M: I see. That’s good. Thank you.

S: Don’t mention it. Also, our company offers some ways to help employees relieve stress. I think you may be interested in them.


史提夫: 嗨,马龙。我已经把一半指派给你的工作分给莱拉和杰克了。那应该会大大减轻你的工作量。

马 龙: 谢谢你,史提夫。但现在莱拉和杰克不会被工作淹没吗?

史提夫: 目前来说,会的。但我跟人资说过我们的部门应该再开另一个职缺,所以额外的工作量只会是暂时的。

马 龙: 我了解了。那很好。谢谢你。

史提夫: 别客气。而且,我们公司有提供一些管道来帮员工减轻压力。我想你可能会对它们感兴趣。



assign vt. 分派(工作);指定

significantly adv. 显著地

be flooded with...  充斥∕充满……

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