Throughout most of the Edo period, policies that strictly limited trade with other countries were put into effect. It was not until 1853 that Japan was pressured to open its borders. Though some ukiyo-e prints had been brought to Paris before this time, it was after the signing of the Kanagawa Treaty, which forced the opening of Japan, that Japanese art began to be more widely displayed in the West.

  在江户时代的大部分时间里,日本实行了严格限制与其他国家贸易的政策。直到 1853 年,日本才被迫开放边境。虽然有些浮世绘版画在此之前已被带到巴黎,但直到迫使日本开放国门的神奈川条约签署后,日本的艺术才开始更普遍地在西方展出。


policy n. 政策

be put into effect  实施,生效

border n. 边境,边界




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