Although the results weren’t always accurate, they were similar to tests where people judged another’s behavior after watching a video of them. In the study, researchers asked 60 people to wear plain white T-shirts for three nights straight. For these three days, they were not allowed to wear perfume or eat strong-smelling foods because these would affect their body odor. All 60 people were given a personality test before the experiment started. At the end of the three days, the shirts were put in bags and given to 200 testers who tried to determine the owner’s personality from the smell of the shirts.

  尽管结果并不总是准确,但它们很接近人们在观看他人影片后判断他人行为的测试。在这项研究中,研究人员要求六十个人连续三个晚上都穿著纯白色的 T 恤。在这三天里,他们不被允许喷香水或吃气味浓烈的食物,因为这些都会影响体味。实验开始前,这六十人全都接受了性格测试。三天结束后,这些衣服被装进袋子里并交给两百名测试者,他们试图透过衣服的气味来判断主人的个性。


result n. 结果

plain a. 朴素的

determine vt. 判定,确认




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