In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, a new and interesting job has surfaced: the AI whisperer. These people are also known as prompt engineers. Their job is to help AI systems better understand and communicate with humans. AI technology can do amazing things, such as writing stories, solving math problems, and creating artwork. Unfortunately, AI doesn’t always know how to talk to humans in ways that make sense. That’s where AI whisperers come in. AI whisperers are experts at bridging the gap between machine and human languages.

  在当今步调快速、科技导向的世界中,出现了一种新奇有趣的工作:AI 咏唱师。这些人也被称为提示工程师。他们的工作是帮助人工智慧系统更好地理解人类并与人类沟通更顺畅。人工智慧技术可以达成一些令人惊叹的事情,例如写故事、解开数学题目和创作插图。不幸的是,人工智慧并不总是知道如何以有意义的方式与人类交谈。这就是 AI 咏唱师能派上用场的地方了。AI 咏唱师是能填补机器与人类语言之间差距的专家。


surface vi. 浮现

communicate vi. 沟通,交流

bridge the gap between A and B  填补 A 与 B 间的差异∕差距

gap n. 差距;隔阂




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