Having devoted over 60 years to his pottery, Galip has no intention of retiring. When it comes to the museum, he states that it started as a simple story. However, over time, it has turned into a symbol of women’s solidarity. Aside from creating magnificent works of pottery, Galip holds a special event twice a year. Every June and December, the first customers to Galip’s shop are invited to select 10 hair samples from the museum. These locks of hair, with the donors’ personal information attached, enable Galip to reach out to these selected women.




devote... to...  把……奉献给……

retire vi. 退休

attach vt. 附上;固定

attach... to...  将……固定在……

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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