M: Mr. Lee  R: Rebecca

Rebecca is discussing her plans for the next school year with her school guidance counselor, Mr. Lee.

M: Hi, Rebecca. Please have a seat. What can I help you with?

R: I was hoping you could give me some advice on my classes for next year.

M: Of course. I’d be happy to offer some suggestions. So, for next year, you’ll have to decide which field you want to focus on. Have you thought about what you might study in university?

R: I’m still trying to decide between law and medicine.

蕾贝嘉正和她的学校辅导老师 ── 李老师讨论她下个学年的计划。

李老师: 嗨,蕾贝嘉。请坐。需要什么帮忙吗?

蕾贝嘉: 我希望您能针对我明年的课程给我一些建议。

李老师: 当然。我很乐意给妳一些建议。那么,明年,妳必须决定要著重在哪个领域。妳有想过大学可能会读什么吗?

蕾贝嘉: 我还在法律和医学之间犹豫不决。



advice n. 建议(不可数,常与介词 on 搭配使用)

suggestion n. 建议

suggest vt. 建议

focus on...  注重∕著重于……

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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