One of the biggest problems facing the world today is a lack of clean water. This is particularly true for Singapore, a country that doesn’t have enough land to store water. To address this problem, the government launched a project in 1998. It aimed to transform sewage into reclaimed water known as NEWater, which is fresh and safe to drink. A professional team was set up to carry out the development of NEWater.

  现今世界面临的最大问题之一是缺乏干净的水。对新加坡来说尤其如此,该国没有足够的土地来储存水。为了解决这个问题,其政府于 1998 年启动了一项计划。该计划旨在将污水转化为被称为「新生水」的再生水,它既新鲜又可以安全饮用。一个专业团队被成立以进行新生水的开发。



a / one’s lack of...  (某人)缺乏……

launch vt. 启动,发起

transform A into B  将 A 转变为 B

transform vt. 转变,改变




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