When someone is canceled on social media, people no longer follow what that person posts online. They might also stop buying products promoted by that person. But canceling someone is not always successful. Author J.K. Rowling was canceled for Tweets that people found offensive. People protested against her online, but sales of her books increased during the pandemic. Other cancellations have been more successful, though. Singer R. Kelly was canceled for treating women horribly. After many years, he was finally found guilty by a court.

当一个人在社群媒体上被取消时,人们不再追踪其动态。他们也有可能停止购买那个人所推售的产品。但是取消某人并不总是成功的。作家 J.K. 罗琳因其令人感到冒犯的推文而被取消。人们在网路上抗议她,但她的书本销量在疫情间却增加了。不过,其他的被取消案例就成功多了。歌手劳.凯利因恶劣对待女性而被取消。多年后,他终于被法庭宣判有罪。

cancel vt. 取消
increase vi. 增加
court n. 法庭
The judge asked the police to take those two people out of the court.

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