The early method for making popcorn was to place dried kernels in a pot over an open fire. As a healthy whole-grain food that is easy to store and prepare, popcorn became a tasty and convenient choice for settlers in the Americas between the 1600s and 1800s. In 1893, a candy store owner from Chicago invented the first mobile, automated popcorn machine. It allowed vendors to follow crowds and sell popcorn at public events.
早期制作爆米花的方法是将干燥的玉米粒放入锅中,置于篝火上。作为一种易于储存和制备的健康全谷物食品,爆米花成为十七至十九世纪美洲殖民者美味且方便的选择。1893 年,芝加哥的一位糖果店老板发明了第一台移动式自动爆米花机。它让摊贩能跟随人群在公共活动中销售爆米花。
tasty a. 美味的
settler n.(尤指来自别国的)殖民者;移居者
invent vt. 发明

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