Y: Yi-Ting  C: Carl

Yi-Ting is going to invite an exchange student at her school to her home for a barbecue during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Y: Hi, Carl. Do you know what tomorrow is?

C: Well, I know there’s no school tomorrow.

Y: That’s right. It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival.

C: I’ve read all about the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I’ve never celebrated it before.

Y: Oh, then you must know about our tradition of having a barbecue on that day.

C: Yes, I do. That tradition must date back centuries.

Y: Well, not quite centuries. More like decades. About 40 years, actually.


怡 婷: 嗨,卡尔。你知道明天是什么日子吗?

卡 尔: 嗯,我知道明天不用上学。

怡 婷: 没错。明天是中秋节。

卡 尔: 我读过所有关于中秋节的事,但我以前从未庆祝过。

怡 婷: 哦,那你一定知道我们会在那天烤肉的传统吧。

卡 尔: 对,我知道。这项传统肯定可以追溯到几个世纪前。

怡 婷: 嗯,还不到几个世纪。更像是几十年。其实是大约四十年。


barbecue n. 烤肉(活动)& vt. 烤肉

exchange student  交换学生

exchange n. 交换

date back + 一段时间  回溯至某段时间之前

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