K: Kevin  E: Emily

Kevin has to babysit this weekend. He asks his friend Emily for advice.

K: My uncle’s kids are coming to my house this weekend, and I’ll have to look after them all day on Saturday.

E: Oh, babysitting can be fun! How many of them are there?

K: There’re four of them, and they are full of energy. I’m not sure how I should handle them all.

E: Just play games to keep them occupied.

K: Like video games?

E: No. Do something that gets them running around in the yard, like tag or hide-and-seek.


凯 文: 我叔叔的孩子这个周末要来我家,我周六得照顾他们一整天。

艾蜜莉: 哦,当临时保母很有趣的!总共有多少人?

凯 文: 他们有四个人,而且他们精力充沛。我不确定该如何应付他们。

艾蜜莉: 只要玩游戏让他们有事可做就行了。

凯 文: 像是电动吗?

艾蜜莉: 不是。做一些可以让他们在院子里跑来跑去的事,像是鬼抓人或捉迷藏。


advice n. 建议,忠告(不可数)

look after...  照顾……;照料……

energy n. 精力;活力

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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