Frances Hodgson Burnett was born in 1849 and grew up in England. Her father passed away when she was a child, which posed financial difficulties for her family. When the American Civil War broke out, England’s economy was affected, and Frances’s mother struggled to maintain their family business. The family had no choice but to move to the United States to seek help from a relative. To help support her family, Frances started writing and publishing stories when she was 19 years old.

  法兰西丝.霍森.柏内特出生于 1849 年,在英国长大。她的父亲在她很小的时候就去世了,这给她的家庭带来了经济困难。美国内战爆发时,英国经济受到影响,法兰西斯的母亲艰难地维持家里的生意。一家人别无选择只能移居美国寻求亲戚的帮忙。为了帮忙养家活口,法兰西丝在十九岁时开始写作和出版故事。



financial a. 财务的

economy n. 经济

have no choice but to V  除了……之外别无选择




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