Today, crosswalk design has really taken off. There are now 3D crosswalks that appear to float above the road. Some crosswalks have flashing lights, making them easier for drivers to see. Others automatically light up when they detect someone crossing the road. Crosswalk designers around the world have come up with many creative ways to catch people’s attention. In Poland, some crosswalks are designed to look like piano keys to honor the famous pianist Fryderyk Chopin.
如今,斑马线的设计变得十分先进。现在有 3D 立体的斑马线看似飘浮在路上。有些斑马线有闪烁的灯光,让驾驶更容易看见它们。其他斑马线在侦测到有人过马路时会自动亮起来。世界各地的斑马线设计者想出了许多有创意的方法来吸引人们注意。在波兰,有些斑马线被设计成琴键以向知名钢琴家弗里德里克.萧邦致敬。
flash vi. 闪烁(本文为现在分词作形容词用)
automatically adv. 自动地
detect vt. 侦测到

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