V: Vincent E: Emma

Vincent and Emma are sitting in their hotel room at a ski resort in Japan.

V: Hey, Emma, are you excited to ski tomorrow?

E: Certainly! I can’t wait to hit the slopes again. It’s been a year.

V: That’s a long time! I’m actually a bit nervous to ski since it’s my first time.

E: It’s going to be fun; trust me. The snow in Japan is super dry and lighter than anywhere else.

V: Wonderful! I can’t wait to experience it for myself.

E: Have you checked all your skiing gear?

V: Yes, I made sure to pack everything.


文 森: 嘿,艾玛,妳期待明天去滑雪吗?

艾 玛: 当然!我等不及再次滑雪了。距离上次已经一年了。

文 森: 那很久耶!我其实有点紧张因为这是我第一次滑雪。

艾 玛: 会很有趣的,相信我。日本的雪超级干燥,而且比其他地方都还要轻。

文 森: 太棒了!我等不及亲自体验了。

艾 玛: 你有检查所有滑雪装备了吗?

文 森: 有,我确定都打包好所有东西了。



hit the slopes  去滑雪

slope n. 山坡

nervous a. 紧张的

make sure to V  确定∕务必(做)……

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