D: Danielle F: Freddy

Danielle and Freddy are traveling abroad together. They walk by a shop that displays postcards for sale and stop to take a look.

D: Hey, look at these postcards. I think it would be wonderful to send them to our friends and family back home. And you know what? I’m going to send one to myself as a souvenir as well.

F: Postcards? Why go through the trouble of buying and mailing them when we can just share our travel photos on the internet?

D: I see where you’re coming from, but there’s something special about receiving a physical postcard these days. It creates a personal connection that’s hard to replace.


丹妮尔: 嘿,看看这些明信片。我觉得将它们寄给我们家乡的朋友和家人们会很棒。你知道吗?我也打算寄一张给自己作为纪念。

弗雷迪: 明信片?我们可以在网路上分享我们的旅行照片,为什么还要费尽心思购买和邮寄它们呢?

丹妮尔: 我懂你为什么会这样想,但是现在收到实体的明信片有其特别之处。它创造了一种难以替代的亲密联系。



postcard n. 明信片

display vt. 陈列

for sale  出售

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