The first Buy Nothing Day was celebrated in September 1992. In 1997, it was changed to the Friday following Thanksgiving in November. Soon after, it gained the support of Adbusters, a Canadian media company questioning the importance that cultures give to advertising and shopping. When the group tried to place commercials on television, the only major TV network that accepted them was CNN. Despite these attempts to silence the movement, it spread to the US, Germany, Japan, and several other countries worldwide.

第一个不消费日是于1992年九月举办的。1997年,它改为十一月感恩节之后的星期五。不久之后,它获得一间质疑广告和购物文化重要性的传播公司「广告克星媒体基金会」的支持。当此团体尝试将宣传广告置入于电视时,唯一一家接受他们的主要电视联播网只有 CNN 而已。尽管试图压制这场运动,它还是传到了美国、德国、日本及全球其他几个国家。

following prep. 在. . . 之后
support n. 支持
advertising n. 广告(业)(不可数)
commercial n. 电视广告(可数)
silence vt. 压制;压下



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