In picture A, a person is seated at a cozy coffee shop, possibly surrounded by the comforting aroma of coffee and the soft background sounds of conversation. In contrast, picture B portrays a young man in a library scene without other people. This quiet library setting probably offers a peaceful atmosphere for focused study. In both pictures, the people appear to be focused on their studies, which suggests that both environments are suitable for studying.

  在图片 A 中,有一个人坐在舒适的咖啡厅里,周围可能弥漫著令人心旷神怡的咖啡香气和柔和的谈话背景音。相较之下,图片 B 描绘了一个年轻人在没有其他人的图书馆里。这个安静的图书馆环境可能为专注学习提供了宁静的氛围。在这两张图片中,人们似乎都专注于学习上,这表明这两种环境都适合念书。


comforting a. 令人心旷神怡的

In contrast, ...  相较之下,……

portray vt. 描绘,描写




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