Nearly 250 years ago in 1774, scientists predicted that some planets and the Moon would appear in the same part of the sky on a night in May. A Dutch preacher claimed that the rare event would lead to the destruction of the Earth. Naturally, this end-of-the-world prediction caused panic among people. Luckily, a 30-year-old wool comber living in the town of Franeker was there to put everyone at ease.

将近两百五十年前在 1774 年,科学家预测某些行星和月亮会在五月的某天晚上出现在天空中的同个部分。一名荷兰牧师宣称这个罕见事件会导致地球毁灭。理所当然地,这则世界末日的预言在众人间造成了恐慌。幸运的是,有一位住在弗拉内克镇的三十岁羊毛精梳工让大家安心。


amateur n. 业余人士 & a. 业余的

predict vt. 预测

prediction n. 预言,预测

panic n. 恐慌




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