T: Tony  N: Nora

Tony and Nora have arrived at their campsite and just finished setting up their tent.

T: Wow! This spot will be ideal for enjoying the stars at night, and the air here is so refreshing.

N: Speaking of night, it’s starting to get dark. Let’s work on a campfire.

T: Good call. I’ll gather some firewood.

N: You should take this flashlight just in case.

T: Thanks. What about you? What are you going to do?

N: I’ll get our camp chairs from the car and set up the canopy in front of our tent.



汤 尼: 哇!这个地方非常适合晚上赏星星,而且这里的空气非常清新。

诺 拉: 说到晚上,天快要黑了。我们来生营火吧。

 汤 尼: 我赞成。我会去收集一些木柴。

诺 拉: 你应该带上这个手电筒以防万一。

汤 尼: 谢谢。那妳呢?妳要做什么?

诺 拉: 我要从车上拿我们的露营椅,并在我们的帐篷前搭起遮雨棚。


be ideal for...  非常适合……

ideal a. 理想的

work on...  著手……

gather vt. 收集


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