Water is a valuable resource, and it plays an important role in Thailand’s traditions, beliefs, and daily life. A festival called Loy Krathong is celebrated in the country every year to honor Thailand’s goddess of water. The purpose of this holiday is to give thanks to the goddess and also ask for her forgiveness for polluting or wasting the water. There are many theories about the origins of the festival. A common one says that Nang Noppamas, a woman living in the ancient Sukhothai Kingdom in the 13th or 14th century, started the tradition.

水是非常重要的资源,它在泰国的传统、信仰和日常生活中扮演了重要的角色。每年,该国会庆祝一个叫做水灯节的节日,来向泰国的水之女神致敬。这个节日的目的是向该女神表达感谢,同时也为污染或浪费水请求祂的原谅。有很多关于该节庆起源的理论。一个常见的说法是,在十三或十四世纪时生活在古素可泰王国的 Nang Noppamas 女士开始了这项传统。



resource n. 资源

pollute vt. 污染

theory n. 理论

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