When you were a child, did you ever look up at the sky and see a cloud that looked like a teddy bear or a battleship? This is an example of a phenomenon called pareidolia. It happens when our brains try to make sense of unclear images by viewing them as something meaningful or familiar. One of the most famous examples of pareidolia is the Face on Mars photo. In 1976, a picture of the surface of the planet Mars was taken. It showed a pile of rocks that looked like a human head.

当你还是小孩的时候,是否曾仰望天空,看见一朵貌似泰迪熊或战舰的云呢?这是一种被称为空想性错视现象的例子。当我们的大脑试图理解不清楚的影像时,会将其视为某种有意义或熟悉的事物。其中最著名的空想性错视例子之一是火星上有人脸的照片。1976 年,有一张火星表面的照片被拍摄下来。这张照片显示一堆看起来像人头的岩石。



make sense of...  理解……

familiar a. 熟悉的

pile n. 堆,叠

a pile of...  一堆∕叠……

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