B: Brittney  T: Todd

Brittney and Todd are looking at tourist material for a vacation spot in Bali.

B: Oh, wow! Look at all these activities we can do near the hotel.

T: Yeah, but that’s not all. They offer a ton of water activities. Did you check out that webpage I sent you? 

B: Yeah. I saw pictures of people snorkeling and riding surfboards. It looks pretty fun.

T: What activity do you want to try?

B: How about scuba diving? I’ve heard it’s really interesting.

T: Hmm, I don’t know whether I can dive with a big scuba tank.


布兰妮: 哦,哇!你看我们可以在饭店附近进行的活动真多。

陶 德: 是啊,但这还不是全部呢。他们提供很多水上活动。妳看了我传给妳的网页了吗?

布兰妮: 看了。我有看到人们浮潜和冲浪的照片。看起来很有趣。

陶 德: 妳想尝试什么活动?

布兰妮: 水肺潜水怎么样?我听说这很有趣。

陶 德: 嗯,我不知道我有没有办法背著大氧气筒潜水。



material n. 资料

activity n. 活动

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