N:Nancy  K:Keith

Nancy has hired Keith to take care of her lawn.
N:Hello Keith. Today, I' d like you to mow the lawn and get rid of the weeds along the walkway here.
K:No problem. Is that all?
N:After that, could you help me spread some new fertilizer around the vegetable garden? I want to plant a few things later this week.
K:Absolutely. What about those bushes along the house? Should I give them a trim?
N:Oh, that would be nice. 


南 西:哈啰,凯斯。今天我想麻烦你去修剪草坪,并把这里走道上的杂草清除。
凯 斯:没问题。这样就好了吗?
南 西:在那之后,你可以帮我在菜园周围施放新的肥料吗?我想在这个星期后面几天种一些东西。
凯 斯:当然。那房子这一带的那些灌木丛呢?我需要去修剪一下吗?
南 西:哦,那样太好了。



lawn n.(草修剪得很短的)草地,草坪

get rid of. . .  除去 / 摆脱. . .

spread vt. & vi.(使)扩散;(使)摊开;(使)蔓延(三态同形)

plant vt. 种植 


◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97








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