There are over 100, 000 torii gates in Japan. However, if you are planning a trip to Japan, some torii stand out from the rest. Tokyo' s Meiji Shrine was built in 1915 to honor a popular Japanese emperor. The shrine is located in a natural spot surrounded by forest and trees. At the entrance to the shrine is a huge wooden torii that has the Emperor' s seal on it. During Japanese New Year, it' s visited by more than three million people.

在日本有超过十万座的鸟居。不过,如果你正打算去日本玩,有些鸟居较为脱颖而出。东京的明治神宫建于 1915 年以纪念一位受欢迎的日本天皇。这座神宫坐落于一个被森林及树木环绕的自然景点。神宫的入口是一座巨大的木制鸟居,上头刻有天皇的印章。在日本的新年期间,它有超过三百万的观光人次。

生活必备字词: stand out from. . .   从. . . 脱颖而出 honor vt. 表彰,表扬 surround vt. 包围 seal n. 印章







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