Life in 2022 is getting more expensive every day. Rising inflation is making it harder for regular people to buy new things. To save money, some people are choosing to repair their old stuff instead of replacing it. In addition to saving some cash, people can experience a satisfying feeling when fixing broken items on their own. Financial benefits aren’t the only reason why people are handling repairs at home. Many people now realize that buying new things all the time is bad for the environment.

2022 年的生活每天都变得越来越贵。不断上升的通货膨胀让一般人更难购买新东西。为了省钱,有些人选择修理他们的旧物而不是更换它们。除了能省下一些现金外,当人们靠自己修理损坏的物品时也会有一种满足感。经济利益并不是人们在家进行维修的唯一原因。现在很多人都意识到,一直买新东西对环境有害。



replace vt. 取代

satisfying a. 令人满意的

benefit n. 利益,好处









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