Maria Prymachenko was a famous Ukrainian artist. As a child, Prymachenko did not have an easy life. She was born in 1909 to a poor family. She became sick with polio, which prevented her from walking normally and affected her ability to create. She also didn' t have an art teacher. Her first artistic experience was when she drew pictures of flowers in some sand with a stick. Later, she painted her house with natural dyes. Prymachenko taught herself how to paint and created her own unique style.

玛莉亚.普里马琴科是一位著名的乌克兰艺术家。小时候,普里马琴科的生活并不容易。她于 1909 年出生在一个贫困的家庭。她患上了小儿麻痺症,该疾病使她无法正常行走,而且影响了她创作的能力。她也没有美术老师教导。她第一次的艺术创作经历是她用一根棍子在沙子上画花。后来,她用天然染料彩绘了自家的房子。普里马琴科自学如何绘画并创造了她自己独特的风格。


artist n. 艺术家;画家

prevent sb / sth from N / V - ing  防止某人 ∕ 某物(做). . .

stick n. 棍子;枝条







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