All the Light We Cannot See 呼唤奇迹的光

All the Light We Cannot See is about a blind girl named Marie-Laure, who lives in Paris, France, in the 1930s. When the Nazis invade in 1940, she and her father are forced to leave the city. They escape to a countryside town to hide with Marie-Laure' s great uncle, Etienne. After several months, Marie-Laure' s father gets arrested. She continues to live with Etienne, and they start passing on secret signals to aid the French Resistance movement.

《呼唤奇迹的光》讲述 1930 年代,一位住在法国巴黎、名叫玛莉萝儿的盲人女孩。当纳粹在 1940 年入侵时,她和其父被迫离开城市。她们逃到了乡下的小镇,与玛莉萝儿的叔公艾提安一同躲藏。数个月后,玛莉萝儿的父亲遭到逮捕。她则继续和艾提安住在一起,他们开始为援助法国抵抗运动而传送秘密讯号。

生活必备字词: be forced to V  被迫(做)…… arrest vt. 逮捕 signal n. 信号



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